1011 Studemont
1011 Studemont is a new condominium property in a trendy Houston neighborhood.
The Challenge
Simply put, Studemont wanted to sell condos. The condos were not considered affordable in a city like Houston, where one of the defining qualities is reasonable real estate costs. Priced at $195K apiece, we had to find a way to cultivate interest without scaring people away.
the remedy
We built a multifaceted media buying campaign to yield maximum return of form fills and phone calls, which was comprised of SEM, GDN, and paid social media. Optimization was a big factor here. I set up A/B testing for photos and copy and broke my ads up into practical audiences.
Messaging was dependent on the audience. However, there was always a sense of aspiration woven into the copy, making the $195K tag a little easier to digest. I was transparent with the cost, often stating it right away in the caption to make users feel like they weren't going in blind.
I collaborated consistently with the Search team to see how the budget would best be allocated not only on the social front, but also in regards to this campaign. When it seemed as if social was outperforming GDN and SEM, we moved money over accordingly in order to magnify our returns.
the results
- 97 form fills in the first month
- at least a 27% increase in goal completions month-to-month
- 104,832 impressions
- $14 CPA for paid social media, which was the lowest (SEM at $27, GDN at $311)